Thursday, January 21, 2010


It's strange, the relationship we women share with our clothes. It is not necessary that the ones you love the most will return the favor. They have a mind of their own and can behave just the opposite.

While getting ready for work today morning I had one such combat with my clothes. The irony is they win every damn time. Unlike my husband who I have magical powers to triumph, my tears...the same just doesn't work on my clothes. If they have decided for me to look fat, I will look fat!!.. I wish they were as manageable as men!!

My current tussle is to fit in my clothes without looking fat. I am not yet big enough to look pregnant and not slim enough to look slim. Except for my stomach all my other body anatomy has changed, which includes my posterior and my horizontal span. I can still justify the expansion of my butt, "oh, my lil' one likes my butt more than the stomach". But how do the justify the growing arms??

After multiple changes I emerged out of my closet and bumped into my son, who by the way was supposed to be at school. I already know I shouldn't but I can't resist the temptation and ask him “Do I look fat??” And the answer is...... YES!! Young man, has not learn't to lie to women as yet, an art he'll eventually have to pick up.

And so I was, back to the grind. When I entered the closet I almost heard my clothes speak “not gain, she has totally lost it !!”. Well fighting with clothes has it's few advantages, for instance they can not walk out on you, you can dump them in the bin, you can tumble them in the dryer, you can totally walk all over them and last but not the least you can chop them up if they decide to misbehave. With these thoughts in my mind I felt victorious, I think I actually muttered, I SHALL WIN! did not win, they did. With little time left to fuss about I wore not what I loved but what loved me, I mean what fitted me. I stepped out and yet again I bump into my son. After a repeat of the same question and answer session, he suggested why don't you just cover your that case no one know who the fat lady is! OK now I wish Men were clothes!!


  1. You'll not believe this. After you click the "Comment" link on this page, the Google System gives you a random set of letters to type so as to ensure that the comment is not being posted by another "system". Guess what was the set of alphabets I was given to type-in. "fatic". You can break it into "fat i c". Quite "FITTING" I must say for this "NON-FITTING-IN" blog of yours.

  2. The next set of alphabets for the second comment was "restriet"

  3. Gives the saying - "aadmi hai ya Pyajama" a new meaning !
